This week, the Koates Lab swore in Tetsuto Miyashita as an official lab citizen. The tunes of O Canada!, representing Tetsuto’s home and native land, serenaded lab members Ben Otoo (Captain Tetrapod), Kristen Tietjen (Floof Bringer), and Stephanie Sang (Fish with Legs). With tears in his eyes, Tetsuto swore loyalty to Queen Liz’s image on a £50 note and his hand on a copy of his chosen religious text by Janvier. Ben overcame his deepest and darkest fears and lovingly held our gruesome lab mascot, a wrinkly 3D printout hybrid between a lamprey and a chimaera cranial clasper, to bear witness to this ceremony.
O Coates Lab!
Our home and native lab
True parsimony love
In all our sharks’ command
O Coates Lab we stand on guard for the tree