Ben Otoo
PhD student
My research focuses on early tetrapods, specifically their evolution after the end-Devonian extinction. I study the anatomy of well-preserved tetrapods to both increase our knowledge of individual taxa and use the data to inform our understand of early tetrapod evolution. Here I focus on the postcranial skeleton, which has traditionally gotten less attention than the skull, jaws, and braincase. One of the phylogenetic questions in my research is the age of the tetrapod crown group (amphibian/amniote split)- was it near the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary and closely associated with the end-Devonian extinction, or deeper into the early Carboniferous? I then use this morphological and phylogenetic information to reconstruct food web models of Devonian-Carboniferous ecosystems. This will add an ecological perspective to our understanding of the end-Devonian extinction, it will also hopefully help illustrate the ecosystem-level changes during the development of the first terrestrial faunas.